It’s a lonely journey.

Now that my next manuscript is in the hands of my editor, the waiting game begins.

Good evening (from Atlanta).

Being a creative (especially a writer), one of the hardest phases in the making of a novel is the one preceding release. Yes, this is where I stand now.

When your manuscript is finished (after 13 drafts and 6 months of intensive writing), you find yourself standing at the edge of a ravine whose opposite ledge is inching closer yet is still too far to leap to.

You cannot quite step into the formatting and cover design stages yet so you… wait. You wait for your editor to shoot your manuscript back so you can clean it up and get it ready for publication.

As I steal panicked glances at my mapping board wondering if I birthed a masterpiece or a second-rate, impactless story, I realize: wow, I have downtime. This is when all the gears start turning (within) and questions fire left and right.

Am I good enough? Are they going to love it? Will I become even more successful? What do I do if I flop? I worked so hard, all these years, they better!

It’s nothing personal. It comes with the territory. As creatives, we can become a bit too “invested” in our work.

Anyway, what’s new?

Well, the cover and title reveal for my next project is coming soon (!) and… I started working on my limited series. I don’t have all the details yet but I have access to pitch meetings and I am working out the last details before a full launch of my production house, Process Protocol, which I will use to develop this series (three episodes).

So, yes, this is the season I am in. Work, work, work. Very little time to celebrate or catch a quick break, or even practice self-care. Or maybe too much time?

I’m going to need your love and support as we rush to the finish line together.

Review my works on The StoryGraph

Show me some love. I’m seeking light in this darkness.



Andre Soares

“It's splendid to be a great writer, to put men into the frying pan of your imagination and make them pop like chestnuts.”

- Gustave Flaubert

Andre Soares

“It's splendid to be a great writer, to put men into the frying pan of your imagination and make them pop like chestnuts.”

- Gustave Flaubert

Big (B.I.G) update.


Yes. Goodreads is cancer. And so is monopoly.