“Think of me as a fuse. Storytelling is my priming composition.”

— Andre Soares




“I was exposed to Art at an early age, born to Aldo Lino Dos Santos, diplomatic agent, and Isabelle Joly, a psychologist whose acquired taste for reading, painting and creative writing shaped my pathway.”

A specific route I chose to ignore, initially, to direct my focus towards other art forms: Dancing and Music, which led me to collaborate with up-and-coming artists from all backgrounds and places.

But creative writing is the epicenter of storytelling. The foundation for every medium. The blood that courses through life’s veins.

I’ve always wanted to be a part of this collective effort, to share the blueprint for gripping stories, compelling characters, and intricate worlds. Here I am, now.

“There is no greater power on this earth than story.” - Libba Bray

